Poolz Sneak Peak Into May & Recap of April

6 min readMay 8, 2021

What happened in April?

Ethereum is hot and Poolz is gearing up for alt season and a busy remainder of Q2 2021. Poolz has had quite the eventful start to its young existence. Let’s review some of the highlights from April before we dive into some of the exciting updates for May.

April IDOs

April was a huge month for Poolz in terms of the quantity and quality of the projects that were launched. With the likes of wildly successful IDOs such as Yellowroad, Deeper, XFai, Ares, Unifarm and Rocket Vault to name a few, Poolz has established itself as a strong and reputable player in the world of launchpads.

Photo by Tuệ Nguyễn on Unsplash

New and Improved IDO Tier Structure

It’s no secret that the launchpad space is an ever evolving one. Poolz recognized this at an early stage and pivoted accordingly. April began with a New and Improved IDO Tier Structure that challenged the standards of launchpads and inspired the current state of the space.

Increase Your Chances for Every POOLZ Token
As demand for access to IDOs increased so did the barriers to entry. Poolz took notice, listened to their community and decided to do something about it. They implemented a rolling tier structure that allowed users to increase their lottery chances along with the size of their potential allocations for each and every $POOLZ that they staked.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Top 100 Leaderboard
In April, Poolz also released their leaderboard for their top 100 holders. This created quite the craze in the community. The threshold quickly increased as people clawed over those top spots. This only validated further the value that the community saw in Poolz.

Leading Exchange MXC and Poolz form Strategic Partnership

While the existence of DEXs has moved the space ahead by leaps and bounds, CEX listings remain of paramount importance to a projects success. In order to support the success of projects that Poolz launches while ensuring the success of their investors, Poolz teamed up with globally renowned centralized exchange, MXC to provide a clear fast track for Poolz backed projects to get listed.

Poolz Ventures

As if the partnership with MXC wasn’t enough of an indicator of the way that Poolz cares about the projects that utilize the platform, Poolz went a step further. Poolz Ventures provides select projects with much more than a highly touted IDO platform. From technical expertise to filling advisory positions to raising funds prior to public sale, Poolz has far more of a hands on approach than the competition. Furthermore, the Poolz community can look forward to some exclusive private sale deals with future projects as early as the month of May… but that is just the beginning of what Poolz has in store for May. Let’s dive in!

Whats in store for May?

April could not have been more jam packed but Poolz won’t stop there. The launchpad space has proven to be an ever evolving one and platforms must stay on their toes to make sure that they are scaling in an efficient manner. May is shaping up to be as eventful… if not more. Let’s take an inside peak at what Poolz has in store for the month of May.

May IDOs

Poolz has already announced multiple tier one projects for the month of May. Impressive projects NFTFY, Polkarare, Polkally, NetVRk, Singularity DAO, True P&L, and Freela are next in line. Poolz will continue to carefully select high quality projects and many more will be added for the month of May.

Phase 2 of the New and Improved IDO Tier Structure

As promised, Poolz will be switching to a snapshot based whitelisting process as soon as the LFG Staking Pool unlocks. The current system requires staking in order to participate in IDOs. However, Poolz wants the community to have the freedom to do with their tokens what they want when they want.

Instead of requiring staking for participation, Poolz will now reward staking for participation while still giving an opportunity for those who simply hold POOLZ in their wallets. Stay tuned for more information regarding this major update!

Pancakeswap Liquidity and Other Cross Chain Integrations

Poolz is living up to its cross-chain reputation after recently announcing the arrival of Poolz BEP-20. Along with Poolz adding liquidity, Poolz will be implementing a system to incentivize Poolz holders to add liquidity to Pancakeswap as well. Liquidity providers, stakers, and HODLers will now all have the ability to participate in future Poolz IDOs!

Poolz has also been busy developing more integrations with some other very prominent blockchain networks. Poolz will be announcing some exciting updates in regard to this in the coming days!

Poolz Party

We started Poolz with a goal to give every member of the Poolz community a fair and equitable opportunity to participate in the IDOs launched on the Poolz platform. — Guy Oren, Co-Founder and CEO — Poolz Finance.

Even when the odds are in your favor, sometimes luck simply is not. Poolz will continue to improve their models for fairness. After experimenting with this approach once already in the month of April, Poolz will be looking to make Poolz Parties regular occurrences.

A Poolz Party is a select IDO that is conducted in such a way that either provides allocations to a larger portion of the Poolz community or focuses on reserving allocations for those members who have not been so lucky during the whitelisting process of past IDOs. Get ready and BYOP — Bring Your Own Poolz!

More Centralized Exchange Listings…

Poolz is already working on more CEX listings and will be announcing shortly. This will both help in terms of adoption of the POOLZ token and also provide Poolz launched projects with another fast-track toward centralized exchange listings after conducting their IDOs.


Considering how fast the crypto space moves coupled with the sheer volume of innovative projects that are coming onto the scene, it can be difficult to DYOR sometimes. It’s important that Poolz educates its community on the projects that they are partnering with. Therefore, Poolz will now be doing AMAs with select projects that are conducting their IDOs on the platform. They have already gotten started with one with NFTFY and one with Polkarare.

In Closing…

Buckle up! May is going to be a wild ride as Poolz looks forward to continuing to establish themselves as the premier launchpad in the space. Poolz would like to thank the incredible community for being part of the journey so far. We’re just getting started. Stay tuned!

Follow the latest updates on Poolz and Poolz IDOs here:

Gitbook: https://poolzfinance.gitbook.io/poolz-ido-s/

Telegram: https://t.me/PoolzOfficialCommunity

Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/Poolz_Announcements

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Poolz__

Website: https://www.poolz.finance/

Github: https://github.com/The-Poolz


